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Friends, Patrons and How to Help in 2024

60 Friends and Patrons Scheme

This year, to celebrate 60 years since our first festival in 1964, we would like to aim for 60 Friends and Patrons on

our list in time for the 2024 Festival in June/July.


What do we spend the money on?

The money is spent on hiring halls and churches, paying Festival adjudicators for their time and experience, travel and overnight stays, piano tuning, piano accompanist, printing the syllabus and programme as well as tickets, certificates and adjudication sheets, paper and card to print on, insurance and repairing trophies ...

We do try to ‘break even’ but it isn’t easy. All of the committee and the helpers and stewards at the festival each

year are all volunteers. So this is why we have come up with the ‘60 Friends and Patrons Scheme’ to get our

celebratory year up and running!


What is a Friend?

A friend donates £10, which goes towards the list above, and in return they receive a festival programme, when printed, and a Day Ticket so they can visit the festival free of charge on a day of their choice.  Please scroll down to find the joining button.



What is a Patron?

A Patron contributes £30 to the festival which goes towards the list above.. A Patron receives a festival Programme, when printed, and a special Patrons Ticket which allows them free entry to the whole festival.  Please scroll down to find the joining button.



How do I join and pay?

Please click on one of the buttons above and fill in your details.  Please help to get us up to 60 on our list!


Hon. Chairman: Rosalind Willoughby

26 Windsor Park, Hull, HU7 3AA

Tel. 01482 831352



Hon. Treasurer: Georgina Chamberlain

28 Tansley Lane, Hornsea HU18 1TS

Tel: 01964 536705



Hon. Secretary: 


Hon. Trophies Secretary: Ruby Seager

4 Linley Close, Leven HU17 5NP

Tel: 01964 229212 or 07789 320349



Committee Members: Roberta Loades, Graeme Appleton, Nigel Willoughby and Pat Finn.


If you would be interested in helping with the Festival please get in touch with an existing member of the committee.


Easy Fundraising

If you shop online this is an easy way to help us. You go to, register and then set Hornsea Music Festival as your preferred charity.
Then, in future, when you shop online go to the easy fundraising site first, search for the shop you want to buy from on their site and continue shopping as normal.

A few days after you have shopped the Hornsea Music Festival receives a donation! Please give it a try if you can as all donations help keep the festival running for future years.


Stewards and Helpers

It takes a great deal of work each year to run the festival and help is always needed. If you feel that you could be part of our team then please contact any of the committee. This could involve helping on the door with tickets, helping people and performers with ‘where to go’, you could help write certificates, be ready to hand out trophies or make the tea at the interval! Your support and help would be very much appreciated.

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